Kurzy, školení, semináře a/nebo rekvalifikace # termíny kurzů: Device


KURZY : Device

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NSE5 FortiManager 2024-05-27 Praha 7 In this 2-days instructor-led classroom or online class, you will lea the fundamentals of using FortiManager for centralized network administration of many FortiGate devices. This course focuses on these areas of the FortiManager GUI: device Manager Policy & Objects FortiGuard System Settings By its nature, this FortiManager course targets enterprise or other large networks. It highlights these scenarios: Single administrative domain with one policy pac ...
NSE4 FortiGate II Infrastructure 2024-05-23 Praha 7 In this 2-day class, you will lea advanced FortiGate networking and security. Topics include features commonly in complex or larger enterprise/MSSP networks, such as advanced routing, transparent mode, redundant infrastructure, advanced IPsec VPN, IPS, SSO, data leak prevention, diagnostics, and fine-tuning performance. Audience Networking and security professionals involved in the design, implementation, and administration of a security infrastructure using FortiGate appliances. This ...
NSE4 FortiGate Security 2024-05-20 Praha 7 In this 3-day class, you will lea how to use basic FortiGate UTM. In interactive labs, you will explore firewall policies, basic VPNs, virus detection, web filtering, application control, user authentication, and more. These administrative fundamentals will provide you with a solid understanding of how to integrate basic network security.   Audience Anyone who is responsible for day-to-day management of a FortiGate appliance. You must master this course before attending FortiGate Infrastru ...
DO417 - Microsoft Windows Automation with Red Hat Ansible Platform 2024-06-17 Praha 7 Lea how to automate administration on Windows Server to enable your DevOps workflow Microsoft Windows Automation with Red Hat Ansible (DO417) is designed for Windows Server professionals without previous Ansible® experience. You will use Ansible to write automation playbooks for Microsoft Windows systems to perform common system administration tasks reproducibly at scale. You will also lea to use Red Hat® Ansible Tower to securely manage and run your Ansible playbooks from a central web-bas ...
NSE6 FortiMail 2024-05-20 Praha 7 In this 2-day instructor-led classroom or online class, you will lea how to deploy, use, & troubleshoot Fortinet s secure messaging gateway:  FortiMail . The course begins by analyzing email security challenges that organizations face. Instructors explain FortiMail s role as a specialized device, and how each of its features compare and interplaywith FortiGate in providing high-performance yet in-depth email security. Through hands-on experience, students lea how to protect against these thr ...
VMware vSphere: What s New [V8] 2024-05-28 Praha VMware vSphere: What's New [V8] * V tomto dvoudenním kurzu se seznámíte s novými funkcemi a vylepšeními VMware vCenter Server 8.0 a VMware ESXi 8.0. Scénáře reálného použití, praktická laboratorní cvičení a přednášky Vás naučí dovednostem, které potřebujete k efektivní implementaci a konfiguraci Vmware vSphere 8.0. ...
RH358 - Red Hat Services Management and Automation 2024-06-03 Praha 7 Lea how to configure, manage, and scale key services used in the data center Red Hat Services Management and Automation (RH358) is designed for IT professionals with some experience managing Linux® systems and want to lea more about how to manage and deploy network services included with Red Hat® Enterprise Linux which are particularly important in the mode IT data center. You will lea how to install, configure, and manage basic configurations of these services manually, and then use Re ...
VMware vSphere: What s New [V8] 2024-08-20 Praha VMware vSphere: What's New [V8] * V tomto dvoudenním kurzu se seznámíte s novými funkcemi a vylepšeními VMware vCenter Server 8.0 a VMware ESXi 8.0. Scénáře reálného použití, praktická laboratorní cvičení a přednášky Vás naučí dovednostem, které potřebujete k efektivní implementaci a konfiguraci Vmware vSphere 8.0. ...
VMware vSphere: What s New [V8] 2024-11-12 Praha VMware vSphere: What's New [V8] * V tomto dvoudenním kurzu se seznámíte s novými funkcemi a vylepšeními VMware vCenter Server 8.0 a VMware ESXi 8.0. Scénáře reálného použití, praktická laboratorní cvičení a přednášky Vás naučí dovednostem, které potřebujete k efektivní implementaci a konfiguraci Vmware vSphere 8.0. ...
VMware vSphere: What s New [V8] 2025-02-04 Praha VMware vSphere: What's New [V8] * V tomto dvoudenním kurzu se seznámíte s novými funkcemi a vylepšeními VMware vCenter Server 8.0 a VMware ESXi 8.0. Scénáře reálného použití, praktická laboratorní cvičení a přednášky Vás naučí dovednostem, které potřebujete k efektivní implementaci a konfiguraci Vmware vSphere 8.0. ...
Zobrazeno celkem: 10 rekvalifikačních kurzů, školení a/nebo seminářů pro: Device


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