Developing Serverless Solutions on AWS
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... bez DPH: 990 EUR/Kurz
... včetně DPH: 1.198 EUR/Kurz
This course gives developers exposure to and practice with best practices for building serverless applications using AWS Lambda and other services in the AWS serverless platform. You’ll use AWS frameworks to deploy a serverless application in hands-on labs that progress from simpler to more complex topics. You will use AWS documentation throughout the course to develop authentic methods for learning and problem-solving beyond the classroom. Audience Developers who have some familiarity with
... © DataScript s.r.o.
Přihláška na kurz & termín:
Developing Serverless Solutions on AWS
Téma kurzu: MS Office, Operační systémy, Servery, middleware a PC hardware, ,
Určeno pro ...Audience Developers who have some familiarity with serverless architecture and experience with development in the AWS Cloud.Přednáší ...Lektoři z firmy: DataScript s.r.o. Program kurzu, obsah studia ...Goals - Apply event-driven best practices to a serverless application design using appropriate AWS services
- Identify the challenges and trade-offs of transitioning to serverless development, and make recommendations that suit your development organization and environment
- Build serverless applications using patterns that connect AWS managed services together, and account for service characteristics, including service quotas, available integrations, invocation model, error handling, and event source payload
- Compare and contrast available options for writing infrastructure as code, including AWS Cloud
* * Formation, AWS Amplify, AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM), and AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) - And much more
* - Apply event-driven best practices to a serverless application design using appropriate AWS services
- Identify the challenges and trade-offs of transitioning to serverless development, and make recommendations that suit your development organization and environment
- Build serverless applications using patterns that connect AWS managed services together, and account for service characteristics, including service quotas, available integrations, invocation model, error handling, and event source payload
- Compare and contrast available options for writing infrastructure as code, including AWS Cloud
* * Formation, AWS Amplify, AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM), and AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) - And much more
Prerequisites - Familiarity with the basics of AWS Cloud architecture
- An understanding of developing applications on AWS equivalent to completing the Developing on AWS classroom training
- Knowledge equivalent to completing the following serverless digital trainings: AWS Lambda Foundations and Amazon API Gateway for Serverless Applications
Další popis (úroveň, podmínky účasti, minimální znalosti) ...Prerequisites - Familiarity with the basics of AWS Cloud architecture
- An understanding of developing applications on AWS equivalent to completing the Developing on AWS classroom training
- Knowledge equivalent to completing the following serverless digital trainings: AWS Lambda Foundations and Amazon API Gateway for Serverless Applications
Cíl školení / poznámka ke kurzuGoals - Apply event-driven best practices to a serverless application design using appropriate AWS services
- Identify the challenges and trade-offs of transitioning to serverless development, and make recommendations that suit your development organization and environment
- Build serverless applications using patterns that connect AWS managed services together, and account for service characteristics, including service quotas, available integrations, invocation model, error handling, and event source payload
- Compare and contrast available options for writing infrastructure as code, including AWS Cloud
* * Formation, AWS Amplify, AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM), and AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) - And much more
Informace o rekvalifikaci Tento kurz není rekvalifikačníDeveloping Serverless Solutions on AWS Seznam kurzů & jednotlivých termínů
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Pořadatel kurzu: DataScript s.r.o.
DataScript je autorizovaným poskytovatelem IT kurzů a certifikací. V našich školících prostorách poskytujeme řadu vysoce odborných a respektovaných IT kurzů, specializovaných technologických školení i certifikací IT specialistů, systémových administrátorů a techniků. V nabídce naší činnosti nechybí ani speciální tréninky určené ke zvýšení profesionálních dovedností a schopností odborných pracovníků. DataScript klade důraz nejen na dokonalou teoretickou přípravu a odborné znalosti, ale rovněž na jejich praktické využití a řešení konkrétních situací. DataScript je součástí koncernu Servodata. Společnost Servodata je významným Value Added Distributorem komponent a infrastruktury podnikových ICT řešení. Dlouhodobě se specializuje na distribuci serverových technologií, řešení data storage v širším kontextu řízení životního cyklu dat, bezpečnostních technologií, softwarové infrastruktury včetně licenční správy a komponent pro ukládání dat. Svoji činnost společnost zahájila již v roce 1991 a v současnosti se řadí mezi 30 největších ICT společností na tuzemském trhu. ...dále viz: DataScript s.r.o. Dotaz ke kurzu
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Developing Serverless Solutions on AWS
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Developing Serverless Solutions on AWS
08.10.2024 Praha 7 - Developing Serverless Solutions on AWS DataScript s.r.o.
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